Conditions Treated:

Low Back Pain

Common Diagnoses

Degenerative Disc/Joint Disease, Back Pain, Lumbago, Arthritis, Stenosis, Herniated Disc, Sciatica, Spondylolisthesis, Scoliosis, Post-surgical discectomy, laminectomy, lumbar fusion, Pars Defect

Research Says

Back pain is common, sometimes debilitating. Approximately 80% of individuals will experience it sometime during their lifetime. More than one-third of adults say low back pain affects their ability to engage in tasks of daily living, and sleep. Not surprising, 54% of Americans who experience low back pain also spend the majority of their workday sitting.

Why Motion Stability?

Unlike other physical therapy groups that commonly give you a generic sheet of exercises to get your core stronger, we aim to reduce your back pain by specific evidence-based techniques. This includes hands-on techniques to mobilize your spine in order to restore motion and reduce your pain. We also aim to prescribe specific exercises to improve your mobility and stability necessary for the movement and performance that you specifically do in your daily life.

Studies have shown that Physical Therapists that mobilize the spine, along with using specific exercises for patients with back pain, can help alleviate their pain and can have long-lasting effects. A study published in Spine shows that active and movement-based physical therapy for patients with acute low back pain are associated with better clinical outcomes. This includes decreased use of prescription medications; MRI, and epidural injections; and lower health care costs than passive physical therapy.


Fritz JM, Cleland JA, Speckman M, Brennan GP, Hunter SJ. Physical Therapy for Acute Low Back Pain: Associations With Subsequent Healthcare Costs, Spine, 15 July 2008, Vol 33, Issue 16, pp 1800-1805.